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What do "server not found", "page cannot be displayed", "DNS error" mean?


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What do "server not found", "page cannot be displayed", "DNS error" mean?

After you open a URL in the web browser, the browser displays one of these error messages:

  • "The page cannot be displayed."
  • "Server not found"
  • "DNS error"



The domain was not registered with a domain registrar, name server entries for the domain are missing, or domain and DNS records are present, but have been registered recently and are therefore not yet widely propagated throughout the Internet.



If you are sure that the domain has been registered with a registry and the DNS records have been set, please wait a few hours until the DNS records are propagated throughout the internet. It is a normal process that the propagation of route information can take several hours.

If you've added a domain name by the “Add domain” button of the webspace control panel, you've told the web server to respond to the domain if it receives a request, but you have not registered the domain with a registry. Please order the domain as you would order web space (but omit the web space), so that it is also registered and accessible on the Internet.


Overview of frequently asked questions 





  from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: +49 30 32 70 18 92 •  GmbH, Sensburger Allee 27, D-14055 Berlin (Germany)
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