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How can I set-up a web redirect if I cannot access the web server configuration?


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When domain A is called, the browser should redirect to domain B. Normally such a website redirect is entered into the httpd.conf file. However, in shared hosting web space accounts this file cannot be accessed.



Select one of these three solutions:

  • a) Control web server with an .htaccess file
  • b) http-equiv redirect in an HTML page
  • c) Redirect by PHP

a) Control web server with an .htaccess file

You can control the web server with an .htaccess file. Simply create a file named ".htaccess" in the root directory of the website that you want to redirect to another website, e.g. in


Enter commands into the .htaccess file that tell the web server what it ought to do.

Redirect a website to another website:
Redirect 301 / http://www.[target-domain].de

Redirect to a sub-directory:
Redirect /index.html http://www.[domain].com/directory

Redirect an old page to a new page:
Redirect /old-page.html http://www.[domain].com/directory/new-page.html

Change the filename extension, e.g. from .[from] to .[now]:
RedirectMatch 301 (.*)\.[from]$ http://www.[domain].com$1.[now]

Update the default page when a website loads, to display a different page from the default index.html, index.htm or index.php, when only a domain is entered into the browser:

DirectoryIndex [new-page].php

Redirect a www.[domain].com to [domain].com:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.[domain]\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://[domain].com/$1 [L,R=301]

Redirect a [domain].com to www.[domain].com:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.[domain]\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.[domain].com/$1 [L,R=301]

b) http-equiv redirect in an HTML page

Edit the page that should redirect to another address. If you want to redirect the homepage, this is normally index.php, index.htm or index.html. Between the ... tag add an http-equiv meta tag.

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://www.[target-domain].com"/>

c) Redirect by PHP

Before any other output is send to the browser you can send an HTML-header to the browser that tells the browser to open a different URL:

header ('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
header("Location: http://www.[target-domain].com/[page].html");
header("Connection: close");


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